Bone marrow niches for hematopoietic stem cells and B cells. HSC are located in both endosteal/arteriolar and in peri-sinusoidal regions which express high levels of CXCL12 and stem cell factor (SCF). Quiescent HSC are enriched in the endosteal/arteriolar niche. Differentiation of MPP up to the pro-B cell stage takes place in the peri-sinusoidal niche, where the level of CXCL12 and IL7 are high. Pre-B cell then relocalize close to GAL1-expressing stromal cells located away from the sinusoids. At the next immature B cell stage, cells expressing an auto-reactive B cell receptor (BCR) are retained in the BM in order to initiate receptor editing, while non-autoreactive cells leave the BM to finish their maturation in the periphery. Mature/recirculating B cells and plasma cells follow CXCL12 gradients to home to the BM. Recirculating B cell survival relies on dendritic cells. PC survival relies on the secretion of IL6 and A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) by monocytes, eosinophil, and megakaryocytes. The colored triangle represents the gradient of IL7 expression from high (red) to low (green). The table in the bottom right summarizes the influence of CXCL12 and SCF specific deletion in PSS cells, pericytes, or BMEC on HSC retention (R) and maintenance (M). MPP; multipotent progenitor; CLP: common lymphoid progenitor; BLP: B lymphoid progenitor; Imm. B: immature B cell; Recirc. B: recirculating B cell; PC: plasma cell; Mono: monocyte; Eosino: eosinophil; Mega: megakaryocyte; DC: dendritic cell; aBMEC: arteriolar bone marrow endothelial cell; sBMEC: sinusoidal BMEC; PSS cell: peri-sinusoidal stromal cell.