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. 2018 Aug 10;15(8):1709. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15081709

Table 1.

Coefficient and fit statistics of predictive model.

Variable Coefficient (Logit) Standard Error
Intercept (white males, aged 16 to 24 years, with English as a first language, living in a “least-deprived” area) −1.010 0.108
25–34 −0.196 0.103
35–44 −0.262 0.101
45–54 0.213 0.100
55–65 0.383 0.099
Female −0.147 0.057
South Asian 0.366 0.152
Black 0.518 0.178
Other 0.220 0.180
First language
Non-English Speaker 0.876 0.125
Deprivation of area of residence
Deprivation IMD Quartile 2 0.456 0.085
Deprivation IMD Quartile 3 0.735 0.097
Deprivation IMD Quartile 4 (most deprived) 1.244 0.090
Area-level variance 0.146 0.044
Units: Areas 828
Units: Individuals 5815
Estimation MCMC
DIC Full Model (Null Model) 7484.964
Chain Length 500,000

IMD: Index of Multiple Deprivation; DIC: Deviance Information Criterion.