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. 2017 Nov 28;1(6):317–327. doi: 10.1002/evl3.34

Table 1.

Results of log‐likelihood ratio tests for random effects on focal male competitive fertilization success

Model Log likelihood AICc G2 P
Full −282.94 576.60
(‐Male) −285.89 580.26 5.90 0.015*
(‐Female) −283.27 575.01 0.66 0.417
(‐Male × Female) −285.41 579.30 4.95 0.026*
(‐Block) −283.84 576.17 1.81 0.178

Full generalized linear‐mixed effects model included the proportion of eggs successfully fertilized by the focal male as the response variable (with logit link function), with random effects of focal male ID, focal female ID, male‐by‐female interaction and experimental block. The fixed intercept of the full model was significantly negative (intercept = –1.79 [95% CIs = –2.11, –1.47], Wald Z = –1.78, P < 0.001). Estimated variance components associated with random effects are provided in Table S5. Reduced models were fit by excluding each random effect in turn. Aikaike information criteria with correction for finite sample sizes (AICc) are provided for full and reduced models. The likelihood ratio statistic (G2) for each random effect was calculated as –2 × difference in log‐likelihoods between the relevant reduced model and the full model. Probability (P) statistics were estimated by comparing G2 to a χ2 distribution with one degree of freedom.