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. 2018 Aug 28;9:1544. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01544

Table 5.

Loadings of observed indicators on latent variables.

Latent variable Indicators β
Social Competence (K) Prosocial subscale (SDQ) 0.82
Prosocial subscale (SCS) 0.87
Peer Relationships Scale 0.77
Social Competence (G1) Prosocial subscale (SDQ) 0.86
Prosocial subscale (SCS) 0.87
Peer Relationships Scale 0.80
Executive Function (58 months) Operation Span 0.40
Silly Sounds 0.49
Animal Go/No Go 0.51
Pick the Picture 0.62
Executive Function (G1) H&F 0.61
Backward Word Span 0.53
DCCS 0.51
Academic Abilities (G2) WJ: Brief Reading 0.80
WJ: Applied Problems 0.86

All coefficients are standardized and significant at p < 0.0001. K, Kindergarten; G1, Grade 1; G2, Grade 2; SCS, Social Competence Scale; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; H&F, Hearts & Flowers; DCCS, Dimensional Change Card Sort; WJ, Woodcock Johnson.