Fig. 5.
Bar graph of group mean ± SD normalized CrCL length and ICD values as CrCL status changes from intact to complete. All stifle flexion angles are pooled. Univariate ANOVA tests performed to assess for differences in group means of both normalized CrCL length and ICD means as CrCL status changes, as well as to assess for differences between ICD measurement and CrCL length measurement within a single CrCL status. Presence of an asterisk (*) indicates a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) between group means within a measurement type. Presence of a different numeral (1, 2, or 3) on a bar indicates a difference between ICD measurement and CrCL length measurement within a single CrCL status. ♦The CrCL length and ICD measurements were normalized using the length of the medial tibial condyle