Fig. 2.
The Optical Quality Analysis System (OQAS) parameters grouped according to cataract classification are shown. The Kruskal-Wallis analysis of the data grouped according to cataract type revealed significant differences in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), modulation transfer function (MTF), objective scatter index (OSI), Strehl ratio, predicted visual acuity (PVA) 100%, PVA 20%, and PVA 10% among the cataract types (p < 0.001 for all). The MTF was lower in the NC, PSC and Mixed groups compared to that in the CC group (p = 0.041, 0.035 and 0.048, respectively, Mann-Whitney U test). The OSI was higher in the NC, PSC and Mixed groups compared to that in the CC group (p < 0.001, 0.001, and 0.001, respectively). The Strehl ratio was lower in the PSC group compared to that in the CC group (p = 0.046). The PVA 100% was higher in the NC and PSC groups compared to that in the CC group (p = 0.048 and 0.035, respectively). The PVA 20% was higher in the NC group compared to that in the CC group (p = 0.022). No difference in the BCVA and PVA 10% was observed between cataract types. * statistically significant using the Mann-Whitney U test