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. 2018 Sep 3;52:82. doi: 10.11606/S1518-8787.2018052000602

Table 1. Sleep duration according to demographic and socioeconomic variables in the adult population (20 years old or more). Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil, 2014–2015.

Variable Sleep Duration (%) p*
≤ 6 hours (n = 478) 7 to 8 hours (n = 1020) ≥ 9 hours (n = 501)
Sex < 0.01
Female 23.9 53.7 22.4
Male 31.9 51.9 16.2
Age group (years) < 0.01
20 to 39 26.3 53.4 20.3
40 to 59 33.6 53.5 13.0
60 or more 20.1 50.3 29.7
Marital status 0.01
Married/Living together 27.6 54.0 18.4
Separated/Divorced 36.2 47.3 16.5
Widower 20.5 44.7 34.8
Never married 27.1 54.6 18.4
Race 0.40
White 28.5 52.7 18.8
Black and brown 25.5 53.1 21.4
Schooling (years) < 0.01
0 to 3 18.8 52.0 29.2
4 to 8 23.8 51.9 24.3
9 to 11 28.5 52.5 19.0
12 or more 34.1 54.5 11.4
Per capita family income < 0.01
< 1 minimum wage 24.3 51.6 24.1
1 to 2 31.6 50.3 18.2
3 or more 23.2 63.6 13.2
Work status < 0.01
Not working 22.0 47.4 30.7
Working 31.0 55.8 13.2
Number of inhabitants in the residence 0.02
1 28.7 44.6 26.7
2 23.1 51.3 25.6
3 or more 28.7 54.0 17.3
Number of children 0.12
0 25.3 55.7 19.0
1 30.3 52.1 17.6
2 or more 26.0 50.6 23.4
Health insurance < 0.01
No 24.1 52.2 23.7
Yes 31.7 53.5 14.8

Rao-Scott chi-square test.