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. 2018 Sep 3;52:82. doi: 10.11606/S1518-8787.2018052000602

Table 2. Sleep duration according to health and well-being in the adult population (20 years old or more). Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil, 2014–2015.

Variable Sleep duration (%) p*
≤ 6 hours (n = 478) 7 to 8 hours (n = 1020) ≥ 9 hours (n = 501)
Number of chronic diseases 0.01
None 20.1 56.6 23.4
One 29.8 53.9 16.3
Two 32.7 49.2 18.1
Three or more 30.6 50.2 19.2
Number of health problems 0.02
None 20.5 58.3 21.2
One or two 28.8 52.5 18.6
Three or more 33.1 47.6 19.3
Common Mental Disorders (SRQ-20) 0.12
No 27.0 53.9 19.1
Yes 32.7 45.0 22.3
Satisfaction with life 0.13
Very satisfied 28.0 54.2 17.8
More or less or not at all satisfied 27.4 50.2 22.5
Time of happiness (last 4 weeks) < 0.01
Always/Most of the time 27.2 54.5 18.3
Some of the time 25.3 54.3 20.4
Hardly ever or never 37.9 34.7 27.4

Rao-Scott chi-square test.