Table 3. TNM classification for appendiceal NETs 20 .
Tx | Primary tumor cannot be assessed |
T0 | No evidence of primary tumor |
T1 | ≤ 2 cm in greatest dimension |
T2 | Between 2 and 4 cm in greatest dimension |
T3 | > 4 cm or with subserosal invasion or involvement of the mesoappendix |
T4 | Tumor perforated the peritoneum or directly invades other adjacent organs or structures (excluding direct mural extension to adjacent subserosa of adjacent bowel), e.g., abdominal wall and skeletal muscle |
Nx | Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed |
N0 | No regional lymph node metastasis |
N1 | Regional lymph node metastasis |
M0 | No distant metastasis |
M1 | Distant metastasis |
M1a | Metastasis confirmed to the liver |
M1b | Metastases in at least one extrahepatic site |
M1c | Both hepatic and extrahepatic metastases |
Abbreviation: NETs, neuroendocrine tumors.