My fear of having to face the things that I avoid because of my anxiety. |
41.0 |
33.3 |
20.5 |
5.1 |
Difficulty understanding what my therapist is talking about. |
79.5 |
20.5 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Feeling like my therapist doesn’t understand me. |
79.5 |
10.3 |
2.6 |
7.7 |
Transportation difficulties. |
69.2 |
15.4 |
7.7 |
7.7 |
Childcare issues. |
94.6 |
2.7 |
2.7 |
0.0 |
Difficulty leaving work. |
83.8 |
8.1 |
5.4 |
2.7 |
Difficulty leaving family or caregiving responsibilities. |
89.7 |
2.6 |
2.6 |
5.1 |
Medical conditions. |
76.9 |
12.8 |
5.1 |
5.1 |
Conflicting schedules with other medical appointments. |
61.5 |
28.2 |
5.1 |
5.1 |
Difficulty getting the appointment times I want at the clinic. |
78.9 |
10.5 |
5.3 |
5.3 |
Difficulty getting any regularly scheduled appointments. |
76.9 |
10.3 |
7.7 |
5.1 |
Medication side effects. |
67.5 |
17.5 |
10.0 |
5.0 |
Depression, which leads to withdrawing from people and wanting to stay home. |
32.5 |
35.0 |
17.5 |
15.0 |
Fear of going out in the world to get to my appointment. |
57.5 |
27.5 |
7.5 |
7.5 |
Financial problems. |
55.0 |
22.5 |
10.0 |
12.5 |