(A) The Late group demonstrated significant differences in expression of similar genes in response to CR stimulation compared to controls (31 genes at FDR<0.05, 326 genes at FDR<0.25). (Stimulation linear model with fixed effects for site, gender, blood draw year, home allergen levels, and stimulation, and random effect for individual; nLate = 7, nNeither = 14). (B) The NK cell gene set showed significantly higher baseline expression in Late compared to Neither, and expression increased significantly with CR stimulation in Late (p-value and FC represent group term controlling for stimulation; number of individuals in each comparison is represented in parentheses; bounds represent 95% confidence intervals) (C) The NK cell gene set shows significantly higher baseline expression in all cases (Red; “Both” = Early and Late groups, n=20) compared to Neither (Black, n=102), asthma only (Blue; “Asthma”, n=40), and CR allergy only (Green; “Allergy”, n=35) groups and increases with CR stimulation only in the Both group. (D) Boxplot of normalized expression of IL9, IL13, and CCL17 showing group difference with allergen stimulation (Pink=CR-Early, Blue=DM-Early, Grey=Neither). (E) The average expression value of the NK cell gene set showed correlation with Bla g 1 levels measured in the living room (p<0.05) and bedroom (p=0.08) in the Both group.