Figure 5.
Inactivation of lymphotoxin on ILC3s results in diminished IL-22 expression and promotes the development of neutrophilic splenomegaly. SPF littermate Ragγc −/− were weaned and given ILC3s from Rag1.Ltb +/− or Rag1.Ltb −/− transfer via retro-orbital injections. The mice were killed after 5 weeks and the spleens were harvested and (a) weighed, (b) counted, and (c) percentage and (d) absolute cell number of neutrophils were determined. n=8–10, repeated three times. (e) MHCII and IL22 expression from ILC3s sorted from Rag1.Ltb +/− or Rag1.Ltb −/− mice were measured via qPCR. n=3–5, with technical replicates. (a–d) Error bars represent the mean and s.e.m. (e) Error bars represent mean values with 95% CI. Unpaired t-tests were performed. *P<0.05; **P<0.01.