Fig. 3.
Distribution of shallow marine stalked crinoids in the Cenozoic of the Southern Hemisphere. Newly discovered and described fossils along with those previously described from Antarctica32–36, New Zealand37–46, South America47, and Australia48 are shown in the geological units they were found in (foram zones from McGowran87 are given next to geological stages). Numbered localities are: 1. Antarctic Peninsula – Seymour Island, 2. South America – Patagonia, 3. Western Australia–Carnarvon Basin, 4. Western Australia, western Eucla Basin, 5. Western Australia–eastern Eucla Basin, 6. South Australia Murray Basin. 8. South Australia–Otway Basin, 9. New Zealand South Island, 10. New Zealand, North Island. Map outline modified from Seton et al.88 Geological settings were identified as being shallow water (inner shelf or shallower) based on field studies and published literature (Supplementary Note 2), taxonomic descriptions of the new taxa are detailed in Supplementary Note 1