Figure 10. O304 reduces fasting plasma glucose and blood pressure and increases microvascular perfusion in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients on Metformin.
(A–C) Fasting plasma blood glucose (FPG) (A and B) and HOMA-IR (C) at day 1 and day 28 in placebo- (n = 24) and O304-treated (n = 25) T2D patients on Metformin with the FPG range >7 to <13.3 mmol/l (>126 to <240 mg/dl) at day 1. (D) Hyperemic microvascular perfusion assessed by dynamic T2*-quantification monitored by MRI at screening (MRI1) and at day 27–29 (MRI2) in calf muscle of the T2D patients. The O304 group and the placebo group were split in half based on the time-to-peak (TTP) at baseline, where short TTP (placebo A [n = 14], O304 A [n = 14]) and long TTP (placebo B [n = 13], O304 B [n = 14]) represent a relative higher and lower rate of hyperemic perfusion, respectively. A significant shortening of TTP (P = 0.043) and increase in Δ-T2* (P = 0.034) was observed in subjects with relative lower rate of perfusion at baseline (long TTP) in the O304 group (i.e., comparing O304 B MRI1 with O304 B MRI2) but not in subjects with short TTP, and there was no difference in subjects with either short or long TTP at baseline in the placebo group. (E) Absolute and relative change in systolic and diastolic blood pressure from day 1–28 in T2D patients on Metformin treated with placebo (n = 27) or O304 (n = 30). Data are presented as mean ± SEM, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (Signed Wilcoxon’s rank sum test).