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. 2016 Jul 7;11(2):167–181. doi: 10.1177/1559827615594343

Table 2.

The Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Sarcopenia Project Recommended Modalities and Cut-Points for Identifying Functional Limitation, Muscle Weakness, and Low Lean Mass in Older Men and Womena.

Cut-Point for Men Cut-Point for Women
Weakness with low lean mass
 Gait speed
 Muscle strength: grip strength <26 kg <16 kg
 Lean mass: ALMBMI <0.789 <0.512
Weakness and slowness with low lean mass
 Gait speed <0.8 m/s <0.8 m/s
 Weakness <26 kg <16 kg
 Lean mass: ALMBMI <0.789 <0.512

Abbreviations: ALM, appendicular lean mass; BMI, body mass index; ALMBMI, ALM divided by BMI.


Adapted from Studenski et al.14