Clinical measures for each tooth profile class. TPC, Tooth Profile Class; GI = Gingival Inflammation; Interprox, Interproximal Disease; DimPerio, Diminished Periodontium; iCAL, mean interproximal (i.e., adjoining tooth surfaces, four sites) attachment loss in mm; dAL = mean direct attachment loss in mm (buccal and lingual surfaces, two sites); iPD, mean interproximal probing depth (PD) in mm; dPD, mean direct PD in mm (buccal and lingual surfaces); iCEJ, mean distance from free gingival margin to cementoenamel junction (CEJ) in mm measured interproximally, negative indicates recession, i.e., CEJ exposed and above the free gingival margin; dCEJ, mean distance from free gingival margin to CEJ in mm measured directly at buccal and lingual surfaces (two sites), negative indicates recession, i.e., CEJ exposed and above the free gingival margin; BOP, mean bleeding on probing as percent of sites (six sites per tooth); GI, mean Gingival Index score as measured across buccal sites. GI is scored 0 to 3; PQ, mean Plaque index score measured across buccal sites. PQ is scored 0 to 3; Crown, proportion of teeth with crowns