Stability of POPG tubules as assessed by TEM and CD. Representative TEM images of POPG SUVs alone (A), micelle tubules and bilayer tubes induced by α-syn at L/P = 1 (B) and L/P = 50 (C) before (marked as T0), and of α-syn in the absence (D) and presence of POPG after incubation at 37 °C with agitation (marked as Tend) for L/P = 1 (E) and L/P = 50 (F). Scale bars as noted. Corresponding CD spectra of α-syn alone (G), L/P = 1 (H), and L/P = 50 (J) at T0 (black) and Tend (red). Unit of mean residue ellipticity (deg cm2 dmol−1 × 10−3) is omitted for clarity. Experiments were performed with 70 μM α-syn in Eppendorf tubes with low (70 μM) and high (3.5 mM) concentrations of POPG with shaking at pH 7 (20 mM MOPS, 100 mM NaCl).