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. 2018 Sep 3;8(2):020413. doi: 10.7189/jogh.08.020413

Table 1.

Evaluation framework describing each component and method used for assessing the feasibility of engaging village doctors in C-IMCI

Evaluation component Key indicators Data source and data collection method Timeline
Effect of village doctor intervention on knowledge of IMCI case management
Knowledge of management of pneumonia and diarrhea:
Pre-post structured knowledge test
2003-04 (Before and after training)
Improvement after training, and
End of project knowledge retention test
2007 (End line)
Retention over the project period
Assessment of village doctor’s prescribing practices post-intervention
Comparison of treatment and prescribing practice of IMCI trained village doctors with untrained village doctors and medically trained providers on:
Household survey on treatment of sick under-5 child in last 2 weeks
2007 (End line)
IMCI recommended antibiotics for suspected pneumonia;
ORS and Zinc for diarrhoea
Profile of village doctors and influencers
Background and demographic characteristics
Structured survey questionnaire
2007 (End line)
Practice characteristics
Business network (relationship with pharmaceutical companies)
Examination of reasons caregivers preference of village doctors Motivating factors for care-seeking from village doctors In-depth interviews with mothers who sought care for sick under-5 child from village doctors 2007 (End line)