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. 2018 Aug 23;2018:6303810. doi: 10.1155/2018/6303810

(a) Prospective studies

Reference Participants Age Follow-up (years) Outcome Result b
Male Female
Bernstein 2011 [178] 43,150 84,010 30-75 26 Incident stroke (-)
2007 [205]
256 258 15-88 14 CHD, mortality
Dawber 1982 [185] 912 30-59 24 Incident CHD and blood cholesterol level (-)
Djoussé 2008 [197] 21,327 0 40-85 20 Incident MI and stroke (-)
Goldberg 2014 [206] 572 857 57-75 11 Incident stroke (-)
Carotid atherosclerosis
Haring 2014 [207] 12,066 45-64 22 Incident CHD (-)
Houston 2011 [208] 864 1077 70-79 9 Incident CVD ↑ especially in diabetic people
1999 [12]
37,851 80,082 34-75 14 Incident stroke and CHD (-) while in diabetic people may have ↑ effect
1997 [209]
4,102 6,700 16-79 13.3 Ischemic heart disease mortality
Nakamura 2004 [195] 5,186 4,077 30-70 14 Stroke and CHD mortality ↑ in women
Nakamura 2006 [14] 43,319 47,416 40-69 10.2 Incident CHD (-)
Qureshi 2006 [13] 3,756 5,978 25-74 15.9 All stroke, CAD (-) while in diabetic people may have ↑ effect
Sauvaget 2003 [210] 15,350 24,999 34-103 16 Stroke mortality (-)
Scrafford 2011 [196] 14,946 >17 8.8 CHD and Stroke mortality (-)
2011 [45]
6,170 8,015 20-90 5.8 Incident CVD (-)
Voutilainen 2013 [198] 1,019 0 51.9 (Mean) 18.8 Carotid atherosclerosis, incident MI (-)
2017 [211]
8,131 8,463 >60 N/A Serum LDL and total cholesterol
Spence 2012 [212] 669 593 46-77 N/A Carotid plaque area
Trichopoulou 2006 [126] 424 589 50-80 (Adult diabetics) 4.5 (mean) Mortality