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. 2017 Jul 18;3(2):45–56. doi: 10.4103/bc.bc_10_17

Table 2.

Middle cerebral artery segments and their supply

Segment Anatomical path Branches Areas supplied
M1 (horizontal) Originates at carotid bifurcation, becomes middle cerebral artery, and branches turn superiorly into the area between temporal lobe and insula Medial and lateral lenticulostriate arteries (15-17 in number) and anterior temporal artery Head and body of the caudate nucleus, the upper part of the anterior limb, the genu and anterior portion of the posterior limb of internal capsule, the putamen and the lateral pallidum and anterior temporal lobe
M2 (insular) Entry point at temporal lobe and insula, ascends along the insular cleft and makes a hairpin turn at the insular sulcus Terminal branches: 2-3 main trunks Superior division: Orbitofrontal artery, prefrontal artery, precentral artery, and central arteries Inferior division: Temporopolar artery, temporo-occipital artery, angular artery and anterior, middle and posterior temporal arteries Superior division: Orbitofrontal area to the posterior parietal love Inferior division: Temporal pole to the angular area of parietal lobe
M3 (opercular) Begins at the apex of the hairpin turn in the insular sulcus and terminates as the branches reach the lateral convexity of the cerebral hemisphere Terminal branches/2-3 main trunks: Upper and lower trunks Frontal, parietal, and temporal operculae
M4 (cortical) Begins at the surface of the Sylvian fissure, extends over cerebral hemisphere and arises between frontal, parietal and temporal lobes[3,35] Cortical branches Hemispheric surface of frontal and parietal lobes[45]

Derived from[3,46,47]

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