Figure 3.
Adjusteda Risk Ratios (RR) for the Associations between Particulate Pollution, Neighborhood Deprivation Index (NDI), Maternal Education, and Race/Ethnicity and Maternal Gestational Hypertension (Vinikoor-Imler et al., 2012).
aAdjusting for IQR PM, NDI, maternal age category, maternal education category, smoking during pregnancy, nulliparity, race/ethnicity, marital status. NDI variable constructed from census tract-level percent households in poverty, percent female-headed households, percent household income <$30,000, percent households on public assistance, percent males in management, percent crowded households, percent unemployed, percent < high school education. The IQR for PM2.5 was 2.24 μg/m3 and PM10 was 3.92 μg/m3 during pregnancy.