Figure 2. MethylC-seq reveals distinct classes of hypomethylated regions in ECs.
(A) Scatter plots comparing the mean fraction of CG methylation in a 5 kb window immediately 3’ of the TSS for protein-coding genes from brain ECs versus liver, lung, and kidney ECs. Colored symbols indicate transcripts with FDR < 0.05 and enrichment >2 fold for the indicated tissue comparison. These plots show a positive correlation between EC tissue-specific gene expression and tissue-specific hypo-methylation. Right, comparison of CG methylation between the two brain EC biological replicates. (B) Heatmap indicating the percentage of each row that overlaps with differentially expressed genes. A significant proportion of ECTS-large hypo-DMRs overlap differentially expressed genes for the same EC-subtype relative to the other EC subtypes. Black stars indicate statistical significance at q < 1×10−10. (C) Heatmap indicating the percentage of each row that overlaps with either ECTS-large hypo-DMRs or DMVs. DMVs exhibit more overlap between EC subtypes than large hypo-DMRs. (D) Genome browser images showing methylation as in Figure 1A at various TF genes. Colored bars indicate DMVs. Each genome browser image is at the same scale.