Figure 2.
Picosecond pulse radiolysis of Urd aqueous solutions at ambient conditions. (a-b) Picosecond pulse radiolysis transient absorption profiles on picosecond and nanosecond timescales for 1.5 M aqueous Urd solutions, respectively; (c) transient absorption at 650 nm kinetics on picosecond timescale for aqueous UMP (0.25 to 1.5 M) solutions; (d) transient absorption kinetics on nanosecond timescale at different wavelengths for 1.2 M Urd; (e) global data analysis of two-dimensional transient absorption profiles in (a) and (b) giving the spectra and the kinetics of the two species (epre− in red and U•−rd in blue) involved in the mechanism of electron localization on Urd.