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. 2018 Aug 31;6:239. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00239

Table 3.

Cognitive functions measured, and tests used in the selected articles.

Cognitive functions Tests Authors
Cognitive flexibility Trail Making Test (TMT) (80) (64, 72)
Wisconsin card sorting test (81) (73)
Task switching paradigm (82) (76)
Cognitive inhibition Stroop and their derivatives (83) (6568, 70, 72, 73)
Go-No-Go (84) (74)
Flanker task (85) (64, 67, 74)
Working memory N-back (86) (71, 74)
Spatial span (87) (75)
Digit span subtest (72)
Sternberg working memory task (88) (73)
Scholastic assessment test (SAT) (89) (67)
Paired associates (90) (75)
Spatial working memory task (91) (76)
Letter Number Sequencing subtest (LNS) (92) (72)
Episodic memory Rey auditory verbal learning test (93) (70)
Short term memory The auditory consonant trigram test (94) (65)
Digit span subtest (92) (72)
Reasoning Grammatical reasoning (95) (75)
Graduate record examination (96) (68)
Tower of London (97) (73)
Set-shifting test (98) (71)
Odd one out (95) (75)
Law School Administration Test (LSAT) (99) (69)
Raven's standard progressive matrices (100) (69)
Sustained attention (concentration) Feature match (101) (75)
Polygon (90) (75)
Four-choice visual reaction time test (CRT) (102) (72)
d2R (103) (66)
Rosvold Continuous Performance Test (RCPT) (104) (70)
Planning Spatial search (105) (75)
Spatial slider (106) (75)
Information processing speed Typing task (107) (68, 70, 74)
Fast counting task (108) (74)
The Digital Finger Tapping test (DFTT) (109) (65)
Digit Symbol Coding subtest (DSC) (92) (72)
Trail Making Test (TMT) (reaction time) (110) (72)
Stroop (reaction time) (83) (70)
Rosvold Continuous Performance Test (reaction time) (104) (70)
Transcription test (70)
Text editing task (66)
Psychomotor function The detection test (98) (71)