Table 3.
Cognitive functions measured, and tests used in the selected articles.
Cognitive functions | Tests | Authors |
Cognitive flexibility | Trail Making Test (TMT) (80) | (64, 72) |
Wisconsin card sorting test (81) | (73) | |
Task switching paradigm (82) | (76) | |
Cognitive inhibition | Stroop and their derivatives (83) | (65–68, 70, 72, 73) |
Go-No-Go (84) | (74) | |
Flanker task (85) | (64, 67, 74) | |
Working memory | N-back (86) | (71, 74) |
Spatial span (87) | (75) | |
Digit span subtest | (72) | |
Sternberg working memory task (88) | (73) | |
Scholastic assessment test (SAT) (89) | (67) | |
Paired associates (90) | (75) | |
Spatial working memory task (91) | (76) | |
Letter Number Sequencing subtest (LNS) (92) | (72) | |
Episodic memory | Rey auditory verbal learning test (93) | (70) |
Short term memory | The auditory consonant trigram test (94) | (65) |
Digit span subtest (92) | (72) | |
Reasoning | Grammatical reasoning (95) | (75) |
Graduate record examination (96) | (68) | |
Tower of London (97) | (73) | |
Set-shifting test (98) | (71) | |
Odd one out (95) | (75) | |
Law School Administration Test (LSAT) (99) | (69) | |
Raven's standard progressive matrices (100) | (69) | |
Sustained attention (concentration) | Feature match (101) | (75) |
Polygon (90) | (75) | |
Four-choice visual reaction time test (CRT) (102) | (72) | |
d2R (103) | (66) | |
Rosvold Continuous Performance Test (RCPT) (104) | (70) | |
Planning | Spatial search (105) | (75) |
Spatial slider (106) | (75) | |
Information processing speed | Typing task (107) | (68, 70, 74) |
Fast counting task (108) | (74) | |
The Digital Finger Tapping test (DFTT) (109) | (65) | |
Digit Symbol Coding subtest (DSC) (92) | (72) | |
Trail Making Test (TMT) (reaction time) (110) | (72) | |
Stroop (reaction time) (83) | (70) | |
Rosvold Continuous Performance Test (reaction time) (104) | (70) | |
Transcription test | (70) | |
Text editing task | (66) | |
Psychomotor function | The detection test (98) | (71) |