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. 2018 Aug 1;7(9):651–663. doi: 10.1002/sctm.18-0024

Table 2.

Advantages and disadvantages of common in vivo and ex vivo cell tracking methodologies

Technique Common imaging agents Limit of detection Depth of penetration Spatial resolution Temporal resolution Useful applications advantages Limitations References
In vivo techniques
BLI D‐luciferin/Firefly luciferase, Coelenterazine/Renilla luciferase 10–10,000 cells (depending on tissue depth) ∼3 cm (∼10‐fold loss of signal intensity per cm) 50 μm 1 min Whole‐body imaging;Reporter enzyme expressed only inmetabolically activelive cells; Cheap; Ease of use 2D image; Limited to small animal studies;Signal attenuation in deeper tissues; Signal quantitation not comparable across tissues; Susceptible to vascular disrupting agents 21, 56, 65, 76, 95, 102, 106
MRI Ferumoxide;Ferumoxytol;Ferritin;Gd chelates 1,000–10,000 cells (depending on imaging agent and instrumentation) No limit 100–200 μm 1 min Whole‐body imaging;Anatomical imaging;Ferritin reporter gene enables detection exclusively of live cells;Clinical integration T2 hypointensity indistinguishablefrom tumor hemorrhage;False positives due to macrophage uptake;2D image; Label diluted with each cell division; Potential cytotoxicity and ROS generation; Sophisticated equipment and expertise needed 26, 55, 56
PET 18F‐FDG;Hsv‐TK + 18F‐FDG;64Cu‐PTSM;89Zr;124I 100–25,000 cells (depending on imaging agent and instrumentation) No limit 1–2 mm 15 min Whole‐body imaging; 3D imaging; Multiple radioisotopes and labeling chemistries available; Hsv‐TK reporter gene enables detection exclusively of live cells; Clinical integration Use of radioisotopes;Hazardous transfection reagents; Potential false positives aftercell death/label efflux; Sophisticated equipment and expertise needed 33, 48
In vivo microscopy GFP;Vital dyes (DID/DiL/DiD/DiR);CFDA/CFSE Single cell 150–250 μm Single cell Video‐rate Imaging in context of natural microenvironment;Visualization of dynamic processes(migration, vascular adhesion, TEM) Limited to preselected areas with low required path length; Tissue exteriorization may influence MSC recruitment/retention; Tissue auto‐fluorescence; Sophisticated equipment and expertise needed 18, 23, 46, 58, 60, 61, 99, 100
In vivo flow cytometry GFP;Vital dyes (DID/DiL/DiD/DiR);CFDA/CFSE;PKH26 1–10 cells/mL 150–250 μm Single cell Continuous Enumeration of circulating cells; Tracking dynamic entry and exit from circulation; Detection of cell flow velocities;Analysis of large blood volume; No artifacts from cell isolation and processing Quantification influenced by flow velocityand vessel size; Tissue auto‐fluorescence;Antibody labeling can lead to target cell depletion; Sophisticated equipment and expertise needed 62, 63, 64
Ex vivo techniques
Histology X‐gal/β‐gal;Prussian blue/Iron oxide Single cell N/A Single cell Single time point/sample In situ visualization within contextual tissue structure Loss of signal from gene silencing or cell division; Sampling bias 26, 34, 47, 94
IHC GFP/anti‐GFP;CFDA/anti‐fluorescein; PKH26; Vital dyes (DiI/DiL/DiD/DiR); Quantum dots;Fluc/anti‐FLuc Single cell N/A Single cell Single time point/sample In situ visualization within contextual tissue structure Loss of signal from gene silencing or cell division; Sampling bias; Tissue auto‐fluorescence;Potential transfer of membrane dyes 18, 43, 44, 45, 46, 56, 71, 72, 73, 77
FISH Y‐Chromosome;Alu sequences Single cell N/A Single cell Single time point/sample In situ visualization within contextual tissue structure;No loss of signal Sampling bias;Tissue auto‐fluorescence 71
Ex vivo flow cytometry GFP 1–10 cells/mL N/A Single cell Single time point/sample Enumeration of circulating cells Potential artifacts from cell isolationand processing; Cell auto‐fluorescence;Sophisticated equipment and expertise needed 26, 34, 63, 64
qRT‐PCR Y‐Chromosome;Alu sequences 1/600,000 cells (∼0.0002%) N/A Single cell Single time point/sample Quantification from whole tissue Rare transcripts difficult to detect due to stochasticity of PCR amplification 25, 28, 40
ddPCR/BEAMing Y‐Chromosome;Alu sequences 1/10,000 cells (0.01%) N/A Single cell Single time point/sample Quantification from whole tissue; Identification of rare transcripts/cell populations Sophisticated equipment and expertise needed 41
Scintigraphy 111In‐oxine; 18F‐FDG;64Cu‐PTSM; 51Cr; 125I;99mTc‐HMPAO Single cell (depending on labeling efficiency) N/A Single cell Single time point/sample Quantification from whole tissue Use of radioisotopes 20, 26, 33, 47, 51, 52

Abbreviations: BLI, bioluminescence imaging; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; Gd, gadolinium; Hsv‐tk, herpes simplex virus‐thymidine kinase; IHC, fluorescence imaging and immunohistochemistry; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; qRT‐PCR, quantitative real‐time PCR.