Fig. 5.
Histograms of a phase-separated image using near-field signals at different temperatures calculated from the DHM. a The simulated histograms for a THz and MIR image in the case of small t⊥/U. The signals are calculated at the frequencies represented by the dashed (THz) and dotted (MIR) vertical lines in Fig. 4c. The temperatures shown are normalized to Tc. b Plot of the calculated near-field signal as a function of temperature for small t⊥/U at THz (dashed) and MIR (dotted) frequencies. c Same as (a), but for large t⊥/U. The signals are calculated at the frequencies represented by the dashed (THz) and dotted (MIR) vertical lines in Fig. 4f. d Same as (b), but for large t⊥/U