EilR repressor-regulated promoter engineering. a Alignment of intergenic regions that separate the genes encoding efflux pumps and their cognate repressors in gamma-proteobacteria homologous to the E. lignolyticus eilAR locus. All intergenic regions contain two repressor-binding sites eilO1 and eilO2, from which the 24-bp consensus operator (eilOc) motif emerges. The asterisks indicate the base pairs conserved in all operators. Predicted promoter hexamers are shown for the repressor genes (−35r, −10r) and for the efflux pumps (−35e, −10e). Each colored box represents a nucleotide: A (green); T (magenta); G (yellow); C (blue). b Electrophoretic mobility shift binding assays of purified EilR with the full-length native E. lignolyticus operators (eilO1, eilO2), the full consensus operator (eilOc), half consensus operator (½ eilOc) and random DNA. Molar ratios of the 21.6 kDa EilR monomer and duplex DNA are indicated. c A library of randomized E. coli consensus promoter boxes fused with a truncated consensus operator generated the biosensor PEilO1t, into which an additional full-length eilOc was placed at the transcriptional start site to yield PJEx1. Immediate-early coliphage-promoters PD/E20 (PJExD) and PH207 (PJExH1, PJExH2) from phage T5, PL (PJExL) from phage lambda, and PA1 (PJExA1, PJExA2) from phage T7, were reorganized by placing a truncated eilOc into the spacer region, partially overlapping the −35 or the −10 hexamers, followed by addition of a full-length consensus operator at the transcriptional start site. An arrow indicates the transcriptional start site. Colors of the nucleotides belonging to the eilOc -operator are highlighted and the promoter −35 and −10 hexamers are boxed