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. 2018 Sep 6;11:653. doi: 10.1186/s13104-018-3744-4

Table 1.

Contents of the program

Session Theme Contents
1 Automatic pilot Psychoeducation: what is mindfulness
Exercise: mindfulness eating (“Raisin exercise”)/body scan
Homework: mindfulness of a routine activity/body scan
2 Dealing with barriers Psychoeducation: association of mood and thoughts
Exercise: thoughts and feelings exercise/body scan/mindful breathing meditation
Homework: body scan/breathing meditation/pleasant events calendar
3 Mindfulness of the breath Psychoeducation: awareness of mind wandering and focuing on the breath
Exercise: breathing meditation/gentle yoga/mindful walking
Homework: breathing meditation/gentle yoga/mindful walking/unpleasant events calendar
4 Staying present Psychoeducation: staying present/about anxiety symptomsa
Exercise: meditation of sounds and thoughts/breathing meditation
Homework: meditation of sounds and thoughts/breathing meditation/3-min breathing space
5 Allowing/letting be Psychoeducation: exploring difficulty
Exercise: breathing meditation/meditation of sounds and thoughts/exploring difficulty
Homework: breathing meditation/meditation of sounds and thoughts/exploring difficulty/3-min breathing space
6 Thoughts are not facts Psychoeducation: cognitive biases
Exercise: breathing meditation/meditation of sounds and thoughts/exploring difficulty
Homework: breathing meditation/meditation of sounds and thoughts/exploring difficulty/3-min breathing space
7 How can I best take care of myself? Psychoeducation: choosing functional behaviors/behavioral activation/identifying triggers
Exercise: mindfulness meditation of sounds and thoughts/breathing meditation
Homework: meditation of sounds and thoughts/breathing meditation/3-min breathing space + action plan
8 Using what has been learned to deal with future mood Personal reflections of course/plans for future practice and strategies for maintaining momentum/farewell
Exercise: body scan/breathing meditation

a The lecture relevant to depression was replaced by that about anxiety in session 4