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. 2018 Aug 31;12:184–194. doi: 10.2174/1874434601812010184

Table 1.

The themes of the studies reviewed.

Authors/ year Title Purpose Design/Measurements Sample Results/ Conclusion
Benefits of dysphagia screening and training nurses in screening dysphagia among stroke patients
Tanton M. (2010) Developing a screening tool and training package to identify dysphagia in all settings Develop screening tool and training package to identify dysphagia Implementation of project Nurses Developed an observational screening tool for nurses to ensure early and accurate identification of dysphagia and designed a training package
Ilott I, Bennet B, Gerrish K, Pownall S, Jones A, Garth A. (2013) Evaluating a novel approach to enhancing dysphagia management: workplace-based, blended e-learning. Evaluate the learning effect and resource use cost about dysphagia A single-group, pre- and post-study with mixed methods. 22 Registered nurses
10 healthcare assistants
Workplace-based, blended e-learning was an acceptable, cost effective way of providing essential clinical knowledge and skills about dysphagia
Chung H L, Chen I L, Lee H L. A (2013) A Program to Improve Accuracy Rate of Dysphagia Screening for Patients with Stroke. Enhance the accuracy and the level of understanding of the swallowing screening test and its implementation Implementation of project Nurses Implementation of the countermeasures successfully increased the accuracy and the awareness level of swallowing screening and reduced the incidence of aspiration pneumonia
Edmiaston J,Connor LT, Loehr L, Nassief A. (2010) Validation of a dysphagia screening tool in acute stroke patients. Design and validate a swallowing screening tool to be used by nurses. Prospective study Nursing staff administered tool over 300 stroke patients The Acute Stroke Dysphagia Screen tool has important to detect dysphagia and aspiration risk.
Singh S, Hamdy S. (2006) Dysphagia in stroke patients Discuss identification, clinical course, pathophysiology, and treatment of dysphagia. A Systematic Literature Review Dysphagia carries a sevenfold increased risk of aspiration pneumonia and is an independent predictor of mortality
Hinchey J A, Shephard T, Furie K, Smith D, Wang D. Tonn S. (2005) Formal dysphagia screening protocols prevent pneumonia Identify constitutes an adequate dysphagia screen. Prospectively study 15 acute care institutions A formal dysphagia screen is associated with a higher adherence rate to dysphagia screens and a significantly decreased risk of pneumonia. .
Edmiaston J, Connor L T, Steger-May K, Ford A L. (2014) A simple bedside stroke dysphagia screen, validated against video-fluoroscopy, detects dysphagia and aspiration with high sensitivity Assess the accuracy of the BJH-SDS. Prospective study 225 acute stroke patients High sensitivity and specificity of the screen to detect dysphagia
No increase in pneumonia was identified during implementation of the screen (p=0.33).
Freeland,T.R., Pathak, S., Garrett, R.R., Anderson, J., Daniels, S. K. (2016) Using Medical Mannequins to Train Nurses in Stroke Swallowing Screening., Determine feasibility using of medical simulation mannequins as a training component Quasi experimental 32 registered nurses Simulation training using medical mannequins can be used to train and evaluate nurses for attained and keep competency of swallowing screening
Bakhtiyari J, Sarraf P, Nakhostin-Ansari N, et al . (2015) Effects of early intervention of swallowing therapy on recovery from dysphagia following stroke. Investigation on the effects of swallowing therapy on recovery from dysphagia following stroke. Randomized clinical trial study. Sixty dysphagia patients Effective onset time of swallowing therapy after stroke on recovery from dysphagia and prevention of complications like aspiration pneumonia
Cichero J A Y, Heaton S, Bassett L. (2009) Triaging dysphagia: nurse screening for dysphagia in an acute hospital Develop a dysphagia screening tool to triage patients and evaluate tool reliability, evaluate nursing compliance then develop a robust dysphagia training programme Prospective, quasi experimental Nurses The dysphagia screening is a quick and excellent tool for triaging individuals with dysphagia. Training is critical to successful screening.
Matesic E. (2010) Evaluation of Testing and Implementation of Evidence-based RN Bedside Swallow Screen for Dysphagia: A Clinical Practice Change” Establishing a bedside swallow screen Evaluation study Nurses Acute stroke patient can safely receive medications and nutrition by mouth because of swallow screen
Organizations must funding such evidence-based practice consequential in cost-benefit and improve care quality
Etges C L, Scheeren B, Gomes E, Barbosa L R. (2014) Screening tools for dysphagia: a systematic review. To perform a systematic review of screening instruments for dysphagia available in the literature. Systematic review Screening instruments in dysphagia are varied and have been developed for diverse audiences with the different aim.
Nurse's competency in terms of knowledge and skills of screening dysphagia among stroke patients.
Mubeen R, Butt A K. (2014) Knowledge of Dysphagia, It’s Screening among Nurses and Awareness of Role of Speech and Language Pathologist in Dysphagia Establish the knowledge of dysphagia and its screening among nurses A non-experimental, descriptive survey 80 Purposive convenient nurses Lack of knowledge of nurses regarding dysphagia
Albini R M N, Soares V M N, Wolf A E, Gonçalves C G O. (2013) Knowledge of Nursing Professionals about the Care to Dysphagic Patients in Intensive Care Units, Evaluate the knowledge about the care dysphagic patients and knowledge about dysphagia, and its implications on intensive care unit from the nurses A quantitative, descriptive and comparative study Nurses Adequate knowledge about the definition and complications of dysphagia, lack knowledge about the stages, causes and care related to nutrition, medication and hygiene.
lack of training in conducting procedures to dysphagic patients
Rhoda A, Pickel-Voight A. (2015) Knowledge of nurses regarding dysphagia in patients post stroke in Namibia’ Determine the knowledge and factors associated with knowledge of nurses regarding dysphagia in stroke patients. A quantitative descriptive survey 188 convenient Nurses Nurses have a moderate knowledge of the signs, symptoms, and complications of dysphagia, but poor knowledge about its management.
Diendéré J. et al . (2016) Knowledge and practice concerning swallowing disorders in hemiplegic patients on nurses of Bobo–Dioulasso urban primary health care centers in Burkina Faso Assess knowledge and practices regarding swallowing disorders Cross-sectional study 125 Nurses Few nurses had connected swallowing disorders and potential complications.
Practices varied, but most were not in accord with what are recognized as good strategies for swallowing disorders screening and management.
McHale J, Phipps M, Horvath K, Schmelz J. (1998) Expert nursing knowledge in care of patients at risk of impaired swallowing. Describe the practical knowledge of expert nurses when they assess and feed patients at risk of impaired swallowing. Descriptive exploratory study 12 Purposive nurses Most nurses in the study did not perform a complete assessment of swallowing before feeding their patients.