Effects of microplastic particles on water holding
capacity. (A)
Visualization of the impact of microplastics on water holding capacity
over the range of treatment concentrations. (B) Focusing on effects
of microplastic concentration irrespective of microplastic type. For
A and B, data were represented by mean and standard error (N = 5 per microplastic treatments, 10 for controls). (C)
Summary of effect range of microplastic types for bulk density combining
treatment concentration. Data distribution was depicted by violin
plots with median, interquartile range and 95% confidence interval
overlaid. Dots represent outlying data. Microplastic types are color-coded:
controls (dark gray), polyacrylic (yellow), polyamide (green), polyester
(red), and polyethylene (blue) treatments (i.e., linear microplastics
are in warm colors: yellow and red, nonlinear microplastics are in
cold colors: blue and green).