Transition-state model for the PaHisGS-catalyzed reaction. (A) Transition structure with magnesium, (B)
transition structure with manganese, and (C) overlay of the transition
structures with magnesium and manganese. Substrates are represented
as stick models, side-chain mimics as wireframe, and metal ions and
water oxygens as spheres. Carbon is in either cyan or yellow for substrates
and in gray for side-chain mimics, with oxygen in red, nitrogen in
blue, phosphorus in orange, magnesium in green, and manganese in purple.
Hydrogens are omitted for simplicity. Partial bonds and metal ion
coordination bonds are represented by dashed lines. Distances are
shown for the N1–C1 and the C1–O1 bonds. Key residue
side-chain mimics are labeled, and the prime denotes a residue of
the adjacent subunit in the PaHisGS dimer.29