“Apparent” GALA quadrupolar wave plots for transmembrane peptide helices in DLPC (red circles), DMPC (blue triangles), or DOPC (black squares) oriented bilayer membranes. (A) GW5,19ALP23, (B) Y4,5GW19ALP23, and (C) GW4,20ALP23 are shown. (C) denotes the positions of the deuterium-labeled alanine residues. Only (A) reflects correctly the variation of the helix tilt τ0 and the constant helix azimuthal rotation ρ0 in the different bilayers. The amplitudes and phases of the waves in (B) and (C) reflect excessive dynamic averaging of the 2H quadrupoles. See text for details. See also Table 4. To see this figure in color, go online.