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. 2018 Sep 3;9:1239. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01239

Table 3.

Model selection table for the top soil-based predictors of aphid growth across 20 organically managed farm soils (Bacillus spp. relative abundance, Pseudomonas spp. relative abundance, bacterial community evenness, NH4, percent organic matter, and pH).

Model (Intercept) Bacillus spp. Pseudomonas spp. Bacterial community evenness NH4 % Organic matter pH AICc Delta Weight
1 191.60 72.28 1667 –127.7 –11.06 276.3 0 0.263
2 178.30 77.66 1772 –116 1.365 –11.6 276.4 0.13 0.246
3 194.60 71.78 1834 –129.4 –0.21 –11.53 278.4 2.16 0.089
4 178.50 77.62 1780 –116.1 –0.01 1.36 –11.63 278.8 2.57 0.073
5 20.25 1709 333.6 26.13 0
7 29.92 133.60 342.2 34.75 0
8 9.619 26.67 342.9 35.43 0
9 73.45 –6.11 349 41.48 0
10 33.82 352.9 45.45 0

Delta indicates the difference in AICc from the best-fit model, and AICc weights represent the likelihood of the model relative to competing ones. Retained best-fit model is shaded gray, and factors that were not retained in any of the top five candidate models were eliminated from tables. Models 5–10 are single-parameter and intercept-only models for reference. Original global model included the following factors: concentrations of nitrate-N, ammonium-N, plant available P, K, SO4, pH, organic matter, Bacillus spp. relative abundance, Pseudomonas spp. relative abundance, microbial community evenness, and microbial biomass (mg/kg soil).