Table 1.
Description of study characteristics and effectiveness of interventions.
Study (Author/Year/Country) | Risk of bias | Age of children | Intervention focused problem | Type of intervention | Intervention approach | Outcome measures and ES (Cohen's d) | Overall effectiveness (SMD/95% CI) |
Hardan et al. 2015, USA | Low | 2 to 6 years | Communication deficit | Pivotal response training | ABA | SLO (0.59), Vineland (0.34), MBCDI (0.14), PLS (0.54) | 0·14 (−0·44 to 0·72) |
Siller et al. 2014, USA | Low | 2 to 6 years | Communication and language skill deficits | Focused playtime intervention | Developmental | MPCA (0.55), Observed attachment behaviors (0.41), PCSB (0.21), AB (0.50) | 0·41 (−0·03 to 0·98) |
Tong et al. 2014, Australia | Low | 2.5 to 5 years | Adaptive behavior | (1) PEAC, (2) PEBM | Cognitive and behavioral | PEAC group: VABS (communication (−0.56), daily living (−0.14), social (−0.27), motor (−0.31)) DBC (ASA (0.11), TBPS −0.26) CARS (0.22), PEP-R DQ (−0.53), RDLS comprehension (−0.76), RDLS expression (−0.58) PEBM: VABS (communication (0.10), daily living (0.46), social (0.36), motor (0.46)) DBC (ASA (−0.22), TBPS (−0.40)) CARS (−0.44), PEP-R DQ (0.17), RDLS comprehension (−0.24), RDLS expression (−0.06) |
(1) −0·31 (−0·82 to 0·20) (2) 0·02 (−0·48 to 0·52) |
Thompson et al. 2014, Norway | High | 36 to 60 months | Social engagement | In home FCMT | Developmental | VSEEC (1.96), SRS-PS (−0.43), MBCDI (0.26), PCRI (0.80) | 0·62 (−0·22 to 1·54) |
Ingersoll, 2012, USA | Low | 27 to 47 months | Imitation skill | Reciprocal imitation training | Developmental and behavioral | ESCS (0.42), Social emotional scale (0.89), MIS (0.79), Unstructured imitation assessment (0.72) | 0·68 (−0·08 to 1·48) |
Aldred et al. 2012, UK | Low | 2 to 5 years | Social interaction and communication deficits | Manualized parent-mediated intervention | Developmental | Parent synchrony (0.95), ADOS social communication algorithm (−0.78) | 0·08 (−0·69 to 0·86) |
Kaale et al. 2012, Norway | Low | 29 to 60 months | Communication deficit | Joint attention | Developmental and behavioral | JA during ESCS (0.04), JA during teacher-child play (0.44), JA during mother-child play (0.37) | 0·16 (−0·35 to 0·64) |
Lim & Draper, 2011, USA | Low | 3 to 5 years | Communication deficit | (1) Music incorporated ABA VB, (2) Speech incorporated ABA VB | ABA | Music incorporated ABA VB: VPES (0.63) Speech incorporated ABA VB: VPES (0.51) |
(1) 0·60 (0·09 to 1·85) (2) 0·49 (0·28 to 2·09) |
Casenhiser et al. 2011, Canada | Low | 2 to 5 years | Social interaction and communication deficits | DIR based intervention | Developmental | CBRS: Attention to activity (0.69), Involvement (0.87), Compliance (0.51), Initiation for JA (1.02), Enjoyment in interaction (0.63) | 0·52 (−0·04 to 1·09) |
Green et al. 2010, UK | Low | 2 to 5 years | Communication deficit | Parent-mediated PACT | Developmental | ADOS (−0.14), PLS: receptive (−0.20), PLS: expressive (−0.03), Parent CSBS-DP (−0.30), Parent MCDI: receptive (0.09), Parent MCDI: expressive (0), Teacher Vineland: Communication (0.48), Teacher Vineland: adaptive behavior composite (0.33) | 0·03 (−0·26 to 0·38) |
Dawson et al. 2010, USA | Low | 18 to 30 months | Adaptive behavior | ESDM | Developmental and behavioral | MSEL (0.52), VABS (0.66), RBS (−0.35) | 0·45 (−0·14 to 1·04) |
Kasari et al, 2008, USA | Low | 3 to 4 years | Communication deficit | (1) Joint attention, (2) Symbolic play | ABA and developmental | JA group: JA initiation composite (0.99), JA responses (0.17), Child-initiated JA (0.85), Mother-initiated JA (0.74) SP group: JA initiation composite (1.12), JA responses (0.37), Child-initiated JA (0.63), Mother-initiated JA (0.25) |
(1) 0·38 (−0·24 to 1·11) (2) 0·64 (−0·06 to 1·37) |
Kim et al. 2008, Korea | High | 3 to 5 years | Communication deficit | Improvisational music therapy | Inherent and communicative musicality | PDDBI (0.16), ESCS (0.63) | 0·40 (0 to 0·78) |
Rickards et al. 2007, Australia | Low | 3 to 5 years | Cognitive development and behavior | Home-based intervention | Cognitive developmental and behavioral | IQ (0.35), BRS (0.40), BSQ (−0.02), PBCL (−0.68), VABS (0.25) | 0·06 (−0·45 to 0·71) |
AB: Avoidant behavior scale, ABA: Applied behavioral analysis, ADOS: Autistic diagnostic observation schedule, ASA: Autism disorder screening algorithm, BRS: Behavior rating scale, BSQ: Behavior screening questionnaire, CBRS: Child Behavior Rating Scale, CI: Confidence interval, CSBS-DP: Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile, DBC: Developmental behavior checklist, DIR: Developmental individualized relationships-based intervention, ES: Effect Size, ESCS: Early social communication scale, ESDM: Early start Denver model, FCMT: Family centered music therapy, JA: Joint attention, MBBCDI: MacArthur-Bates communicative development inventories, MIS: Motor imitation scale, MPCA: Maternal perception of child attachment questionnaire, MSEL: Mullen scale of early learning, MTDA: Music therapy diagnostic assessment, PACT: Preschool autism communication trial, PBCL: Preschool behavior checklist, PCRI: Parent-child relationship inventory, PCSB: Proximity/Contact seeking behavior scale rated based on the separation-reunion episode, PDDBI: Pervasive developmental disorder behavior inventory, PEAC: Parent education and counseling, PEBM: Parent education and behavior management, PLS: Preschool language scale, RBS: Repetitive behavior scale, SLO: Structured laboratory observation, SMD: Standardized mean difference, SRS-PS: Social responsiveness scale preschool version for 3-years-olds, TBPS: Total behavior problem score, VABS: Vineland adaptive behavior rating scales scaled score, VB: Verbal behavior, Vineland: Vineland adaptive behavior scales, VPES: Verbal production evaluation scale, VSEEC: Vineland social-emotional early childhood scales.