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. 2018 Oct 1;20(Suppl 4):iv1–iv86. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noy131

Table 19.

One-, Two-, Five-, and Ten-Year Relative Survival Ratesa,b with 95% Confidence Intervals for Brain and Other Central Nervous System Tumors by Behavior and Sitec, SEER 18 Registries, 2000-2015 (varying)d

ICD-O-3 Site Code Site c Malignant (2000-2014) Non-Malignant (2004-2015)
1-Year 5-Year 10-Year 1-Year 5-Year 10-Year
N e % 95% CI % 95% CI % 95% CI N e % 95% CI % 95% CI % 95% CI
C71.0 Cerebrum 3,938 52.1 50.4-53.7 28.6 27.1-30.2 24.2 22.5-25.8 625 85.7 82.5-88.4 80.4 76.4-83.9 78.4 72.8-82.9
C71.1 Frontal lobe of the brain 19,445 61.4 60.7-62.1 34.2 33.4-34.9 25.6 24.8-26.4 1,818 87.0 85.2-88.6 81.3 78.8-83.5 76.6 72.6-80.1
C71.2 Temporal lobe of the brain 13,933 58.2 57.3-59.0 23.1 22.3-23.9 17.4 16.6-18.2 1,634 93.2 91.7-94.4 90.3 88.3-92.0 87.8 84.8-90.2
C71.3 Parietal lobe of the brain 8,891 51.4 50.3-52.5 20.2 19.2-21.1 15.1 14.1-16.1 814 84.7 81.8-87.1 79.2 75.5-82.5 76.2 71.0-80.7
C71.4 Occipital lobe of the brain 2,244 53.4 51.3-55.6 21.4 19.5-23.3 17.5 15.6-19.4 335 91.6 87.6-94.3 88.1 82.8-91.8 83.4 74.1-89.5
C71.5 Ventricle 1,480 75.8 73.4-77.9 62.6 59.8-65.2 58.4 55.3-61.3 1,497 93.3 91.8-94.6 89.8 87.6-91.5 84.6 80.8-87.8
C71.6 Cerebellum 4,518 85.1 84.0-86.2 71.5 70.0-73.0 67.0 65.3-68.6 2,179 93.1 91.8-94.2 89.5 87.6-91.1 86.0 82.8-88.6
C71.7 Brain stem 3,701 70.9 69.4-72.4 50.0 48.2-51.7 45.3 43.3-47.2 885 90.5 88.1-92.4 86.0 82.8-88.7 80.8 75.2-85.2
C71.8-C71.9 Other brain 17,413 44.7 43.9-45.5 22.8 22.1-23.5 18.5 17.8-19.2 3,200 79.5 77.9-81.0 73.1 71.2-75.0 67.8 64.9-70.5
C72.0-C72.1 Spinal cord and cauda equina 2,774 89.8 88.5-90.9 81.5 79.7-83.1 76.9 74.6-79.0 4,622 98.8 98.3-99.2 98.2 97.2-98.9 97.3 94.6-98.7
C72.2-C72.5 Cranial nerves 1,000 96.9 95.5-97.8 93.7 91.7-95.2 92.2 89.6-94.1 16,792 99.5 99.3-99.7 99.5 99.3-99.7 99.5 99.3-99.7
C72.8-C72.9 Other nervous system 731 62.9 59.1-66.4 46.5 42.3-50.6 44.0 39.2-48.7 436 97.4 94.9-98.7 93.2 88.5-96.0 84.3 74.0-90.8
C70.0-C70.9 Meninges (cerebral and spinal) 1,409 81.9 79.7-84.0 64.3 61.1-67.2 57.2 53.3-60.8 84,459 92.6 92.4-92.8 86.8 86.4-87.2 81.5 80.8-82.2
C75.1-C75.2 Pituitary and craniopharyngeal duct 327 86.8 82.3-90.2 75.0 68.8-80.1 70.9 63.6-77.0 43,739 97.8 97.6-97.9 96.0 95.6-96.3 93.8 93.0-94.4
C75.3 Pineal 876 88.6 86.2-90.6 77.2 74.0-80.1 72.6 68.7-76.1 405 91.9 88.5-94.3 86.2 81.2-89.9 81.3 73.7-86.9
C30.0g Olfactory tumors of the nasal cavity 480 91.4 88.2-93.7 79.4 74.5-83.4 65.7 58.6-71.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
All Codes All Sites 83,160 59.9 59.6-60.3 35.0 34.6-35.3 29.3 28.9-29.7 163,440 94.5 94.4-94.7 90.7 90.5-91.0 87.2 86.8-87.7

aThe cohort analysis of survival rates was utilized for calculating the survival estimates presented in this table. Long-term cohort-based survival estimates reflect the survival experience of individuals diagnosed over the time period, and they may not necessarily reflect the long-term survival outlook of newly diagnosed cases.

bRates are an estimate of the percentage of patients alive at one, two, five, and ten years, respectively. Rates were not presented for categories with 50 or fewer cases and were suppressed for rates where fewer than 16 cases were surviving within a category.

cThe sites referred to in this table are loosely based on the categories and site codes defined in the SEER Site/Histology Validation List.

dEstimated by CBTRUS using Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program ( SEER*Stat Database: Incidence - SEER 18 Regs Research Data + Hurricane Katrina Impacted Louisiana Cases, Nov 2017 Sub (2000-2015) <Katrina/Rita Population Adjustment> - Linked To County Attributes - Total U.S., 1969-2016 Counties, National Cancer Institute, DCCPS, Surveillance Research Program, Surveillance Systems Branch, released April 2018, based on the November 2017 submission.

eTotal number of case that occurred within the SEER registries between 2000 and 2015.

fICD-O-3 histology codes 9522-9523 only.

-- Counts and rates are not presented for categories with 50 or fewer cases and were suppressed for rates where fewer than 16 cases were surviving within a category. The suppressed cases are included in the counts and rates for totals.

Abbreviation: CBTRUS, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States; SEER, Survival, Epidemiology, and End Results; CI, confidence interval

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