Analysis of induced driver lines in the SAM. A, Schematic representation of cell identity domains in the SAM. B to G, Induced driver line stems displaying fluorescence from PI-stained cell walls and the mTurquoise2 reporter (Fig. 1; Table 1). The left and middle images are maximum projections of confocal stack, and the right images consist of a single median confocal xy section and xz and yz views of the stack. The indicated promoters mediate expression in the L1 layer/epidermis (B; pMERISTEM LAYER1 [pML1]), the stem cell domain (C; pCLV3), the central zone (D; pREVOLUTA [pREV]), the peripheral zone (E; pUNUSUAL FLOWER ORGANS [pUFO]), the boundary domain (F; pCUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON [pCUC2]), and organ primordia (G; pAHP6). PI fluorescence is false colored in magenta, and mTurquoise2 fluorescence is false colored in green. Bars = 20 µm.