MIMS 18O exchange analysis with P. tricornutum wild-type (WT) cells and transformant cells heterologously expressing PtAQP1 or PtAQP2 under dark conditions. A, Time-dependent changes in the concentrations of extracellular 13C18O18O (blue circles), 13C18O16O (orange circles), and 13C16O16O (gray circles) were monitored with MIMS. The addition of P. tricornutum cells (0 min) induced immediate 18O exchange. B, The CO2 influx rate constants (fc; cm3 s−1) of PtAQP1G#3 and PtAQP1G#4 (gray bars) and PtAQP2G#5 and PtAQP2G#12 (black bars), grown under high (1%) CO2 or air (0.04% CO2), were compared with those of PtWT (white bars) grown under the same conditions. Values are means ± sd (n = 4–9). Statistical significance was determined using a Student t test (**, P < 0.01 and n.s., not significant).