Figure 5.
Effect of AOX protein amount on maximal net CO2 assimilation rate (Amax) of tobacco. Plants were grown at ACO2 or ECO2 and either well watered or experiencing a moderate water deficit. Measurements were done in an atmosphere of either 21% oxygen (A) or 2% oxygen (B). Data are shown for well-watered ACO2-grown plants (white circles), well-watered ECO2-grown plants (black circles), ACO2-grown plants experiencing a moderate water deficit (white squares), and ECO2-grown plants experiencing a moderate water deficit (black squares). Within each growth condition, the left-most data point is the average of RI9 and RI29 (AOX knockdown) plants, the middle data point is wild-type plants, and the right-most data point is the average of B7 and B8 (AOX overexpression) plants. This figure is based on the AOX protein amount data shown in Figure 1 and the CO2 assimilation values shown in Supplemental Figure S6. Data are means ± se.