Fig. 2.
Transcriptomic comparison of material parameter sensing in hNPCs. (A) Schematic of experimental conditions for hNPC culture. Hydrogels were fabricated in each of the eight combinations of the low- and high-parameter values and seeded at a density of 5 million cells per milliliter. (B) Venn diagram of DE genes in hNPCs for each material parameter comparison after controlling for other parameters. The number of DE genes shared by two parameters are indicated in the overlap in circles. (C) Number of DE genes in hNPCs for all pairwise material comparisons. Circle area corresponds to the number of DE genes as indicated in the legend. (D) Fraction of DE genes from C described by decoupled genes in B (each Venn diagram slice) for all pairwise material comparisons in hNPCs. Green, DE genes not found in the sets from B; blue, DE genes from ligand density set from B; red, DE genes from stress relaxation set from B; purple, DE genes from stiffness set from B; yellow, DE genes from overlapping ligand density and stress relaxation set from B; brown, DE genes from overlapping stiffness and stress relaxation set from B; pink, DE genes from overlapping ligand density and stiffness set from B; orange, DE genes from overlapping ligand density, stiffness, and stress relaxation set from B.