Chemical compositions of the wing membranes of seven species
dragonfly from three families, characterized through FTIR microspectroscopy.
(A) Austrothemis nigrescens, (B) Orthetrum chrysostigma, (C) Trithemis
annulata, (D) Sympetrum fonscolombii, (E) Anax parthenope, (F) Anax imperator, and (G) Onychogomphus
forcipatus. In the 2D contour plots, lipid and protein
distributions were determined through absorbance at the C=O
stretching band (1750–1720 cm–1) and amide
I band (1705–1600 cm–1), respectively. The
red areas represent higher absorbance in the bands and thus higher
concentrations, whereas the blue areas represent lower concentrations.
The three-dimensional (3D) contour plots of the lipid/protein ratio
show the areas of relatively higher lipid concentration in red and
areas of higher protein concentration in blue. Scale bars = 200 μm.