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. 2018 Sep;213(3):535–541. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2018.89

Table 2.

Comparison of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder polygenic risk scores between patients with psychotic disorders and controlsa

 Polygenic risk score Polygenic risk score P-value thresholds
5 × 10−08 1 × 10−04 0.05 1
P-value 1.3 × 10−06 6.8 × 10−21 7.6 × 10−40 5.7 × 10−40
Variance explained, % 1.1 4.4 9 9
Bipolar disorder
P-value 0.6 0.25 2.8 × 10−09 5.7 × 10−11
Variance explained, % <0.1 <0.1 1.7 2.1

Schizophrenia polygenic risk scores and bipolar disorder polygenic risk scores were calculated using as reference, respectively, the outcome of the schizophrenia and bipolar disorder mega-analyses conducted by the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. We then compared the scores between 1168 case participants and 1472 controls using standard logistic regression at ten different P-value thresholds (PT 5 × 10−08, 1 × 10−06, 1 × 10−04, 1 × 10−03, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1). Regression models included the first three ancestry-based principal components and a cohort indicator as covariates. For clarity, here we report P-values and the variance explained in disease risk as measured by Nagelkerke's pseudo-R2 at four P-value thresholds (PT 5 × 10−08, 1 × 10−04, 0.05, 1). Results at each one of the ten different thresholds are available in Supplementary Table 6.