A) Adhesion of RPMI8866 cells to the DG form of SIVmac766 gp120 in the absence or presence of 10.0, 5.0, and 2.5 μg of serum Ig from a healthy macaque or three SIV infected macaques, RLn12, RDa15, RId14 treated with ART and anti-α4β7 mAb. Adhesion was determined at OD590nm and listed as fluorescence units (y-axis). Each condition is run in triplicate. Error bars indicate SEM. These results are representative of three independent experiments. B) SPR analysis of serum Ig from SIV infected macaque RLn12 to SIVmac766 cV2 peptide in the absence or presence of pre-bound (blocking) SIV mAbs, ITS03, ITS09.01, ITS12.01 or NCI09, as indicated. Binding is expressed as percent binding RU at 200 seconds after injection of the analyte, relative to binding in the absence of Ig, defined as 100% (y-axis).