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. 2018 Jul 24;76(10):747–764. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuy027

Table 3.

Index construction criteria

Index Theoretical framework
Dimensional structure
Indicator selection
Aggregation technique
Recommen-dations Mediterranean diet Target region (analyzed region) Adequacy Moderation Balance Variety
  • Nested

  • Ordered

  • Not ordered

Data base
  • Food groups

  • Nutrients

  • Both

  • Dichotomous

  • Ordinal

  • Metric

  • Ordinal/metric

Scoring range Weighted
BSDS-M-2014, Kanerva et al. (2014)22 × Nordic countries (Finland) × × Ratio PUFA/(SFA+ trans-fatty acids) Ordered 131-item FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 9] Equally by indicators
BSDS-Q-2014, Kanerva et al. (2014)22 × Nordic countries (Finland) × × Ratio PUFA/(SFA+ trans-fatty acids) Ordered 131-item FFQ Both Ordinala [0; 25] Equally by indicators
D-HDI-2003, Dynesen et al. (2003)23 × Denmark × × Ordered 13-item short FFQ FG Ordinal [0; 15] Equally by indicators
D-DQI-2012, Knudsen et al. (2012)24 × Denmark × × Not ordered Food diary Both Metric [0; 6] Equally by indicators
DQI-1994, Patterson et al. (1994)25 × USA × × Not ordered 24-h recall + 2 d food record Both Ordinal [0; 16]b By number of indicators per recommendation
DQI-2003, Seymour et al. (2003)8 × USA × × Not ordered 68-item FFQ Both Ordinal [0; 16]b By number of indicators per recommendation
DQI-R-1999, Haines et al. (1999)26 × USA × × × Orderedc 24-h recall method Both Ordinal/metric [0; 100] Equally per main component
DQI-R-2003, Newby et al. (2003)27 × USA × × × Orderedc 131-item FFQ + 2 1-wk food record Both Ordinal/metric [0; 100] Equally per main component
DQI-I-2003, Kim et al. (2003)28 × Global × × Ratio CH/PR/FA and PUFA/MUFA/SFA × Nested 24-h recall method Both Ordinal/metric [0; 100] By indicators and subscores
DQI-SNR-2011, Drake et al. (2011)29 × Sweden × × PUFA range Not ordered Modified DHM Both Dichotomous [0; 6] Equally by indicators
CH-DQI-2000, Stookey et al. (2000)30 × China × × FA and CH range × Nested 24-h recall method Both Ordinal/metric [−74; 56] By indicators
Med-DQI-2000, Gerber et al. (2000)5 × (×) South France × × Ordered 162-item FFQ Both Ordinal [0; 14]b Equally by indicators
Med-DQI-f-2000, Gerber et al. (2000)5 × (×) South France × × Ordered 162-item FFQ Both Ordinal [0; 16]b Equally by indicators
Med-DQI-2006, Gerber (2006)31 × (×) Mediterranean region (France) × × Ordered 134-item FFQ Both Ordinal [0; 14]b Equally by indicators
DQS-2002, Fitzgerald et al. (2002)32 × North America (Canada) × × CH range Ordered 24-h recall method Nutrients Dichotomous [0; 17] Equally by indicators
DQS-2007, Toft et al. (2007)33 × Denmark × × Ordered 48-item FFQ (validated by 198-item FFQ) FG Ordinal [0; 12] Equally by indicators
DBS-2009, Kant et al. (2009)34 × USA × × Ordered 124-item FFQ FG Ordinal [0; 36] Equally by indicators
DGAI-2005 Fogli-Cawley et al. (2006)35 × USA × × FA range Not ordered 126-item FFQ Both Ordinal [0; 20] Equally by indicatorsd
DQINB-1999, Löwik et al. (1999)36 × Nether-lands × × Not ordered 2-d food records Nutrients Dichotomous [0; 5] Equally by indicators
GFPI-2010, von Ruesten et al. (2010)37 × Germany × × Ordered 148-item FFQ FG Metric [0; 110] Equally by indicators
HDI-1997, Huijbregts et al. (1997)38 × (Europe) × × PR, CH, and PUFA range Not ordered Cross-check DHM Both Dichotomous [0; 9] Equally by indicators
HDI-2011, Cade et al. (2011)39 × (UK) × × FA, CH, PR, and PUFA range Not ordered 219-item FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 10] Equally by indicators
HDI-2013, Berentzen et al. (2013)40 × (Nether-lands) × × PR and PUFA range Not ordered FFQ (79 main foods/178 foods) Both Dichotomous [0; 7] Equally by indicators
HDS-2005, Maynard et al. (2005)41 × UK × × PR, CH, and PUFA range Not ordered 113-item FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 12] Equally by indicators
HEI-1995, Kennedy et al. (1995)42 × USA × × × Ordered 24-h recall + 2-d food record Both Metric [0; 100] Equally by indicators
HEI-2005, Guenther et al. (2008)43 × USA × × Ordered 24-h recall Both Metric [0; 100] By indicators
HEI-2010, Guenther et al. (2013)44 × USA × × Ratio (PUFA+MUFA)/SFA Ordered Not specified Both Metric [0; 100] By indicators
HEI-2015, National Cancer Institute45 × USA × × Ratio (PUFA+MUFA)/SFA Ordered Not specified Both Metric [0; 100] By indicators
HEI-f-2000, McCullough et al. (2000)46,47 × USA × × × Ordered 131-item FFQ /116-item FFQ Both Metric [0; 100] Equally by indicators
AHEI-2002, McCullough et al. (2002)48 × USA × × Ratio PUFA/SFA Not ordered ≈130-item FFQ Both Metrice [2.5; 87.5] Equally by indicatorse
AHEI-2010, Chiuve et al. (2012)49 × USA × × Not ordered FFQ Both Metric [0; 110] Equally by indicators
C-HEI-2005, Shatenstein et al. (2005)50 × Canada × × × Ordered 73-item FFQ Both Metric [0; 100] Equally by indicatorsf
DQI-a-2010, Jaime et al. (2010)74 × Brazil × × × Ordered 24-h recall Both Metric [0; 100] Equally by indicators
HFI-2001, Osler et al. (2001)51 × (Denmark) × × Ordered 26-item FFQ FG Dichotomous [0; 4] Equally by indicators
HFNI-2006, Bazelmans et al. (2006)52 × Belgium × × PR, CH, and PUFA range Not ordered 1-d food record Both Dichotomous [0; 8] Equally by indicators
IMI-2011, Agnoli et al. (2011)53 × Italy × × Ordered 140-, 188-, and 217-item FFQ FG Dichotomous [0; 11] Equally by indicators
MAI-1999, Alberti-Fidanza et al. (1999)54 × Mediterranean region (Italy) × × Nested DHM + weighted record method FG Ordinal/metric [0; 99.99] Equally per food groups
MAI-2006, Knoops et al. (2006)55 × (Europe) × × Nested DHM Both Metric Not normalized Equally by indicators
MEDAS-2011, Schröder et al. (2011)56 × (Spain) × × Not ordered MEDAS- questionnaire (screener) FG Dichotomous [0; 14] Equally by indicators
MEDAS-2013, Domínguez et al. (2013)57 × Mediterranean region (Spain) × × Not ordered 136-item FFQ FG Dichotomous [0; 13] By indicators (the number of Bradford Hill criteria met by each component)
MDS-1995, Trichopoulou et al. (1995)58 × Mediterranean region (Greece) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Not ordered 190-item FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 8] Equally by indicators
MDS-2001, Haveman-Nies et al. (2001)59 × Western countries (USA, Europe) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Not ordered Modified DHM or FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 8] Equally by indicators
MDS-2002, Haveman-Nies et al. (2002)60 × Western countries (Europe) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Not ordered Modified DHM Both Dichotomous [0; 7] Equally by indicators
MDS-2003, Trichopoulou et al. (2003)61 × (Greece) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Ordered 150-item FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 9] Equally by indicators
MDS-2004, Knoops et al. (2004)62 × Western countries (Europe) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Not ordered DHM Both Dichotomous [0; 8] Equally by indicators
MDS-2011, Cade et al. (2011)39 × (UK) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Ordered 219-item FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 10] Equally by indicators
mMDS-2005, Trichopoulou et al. (2005)63 × Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean region (Europe) × × Ratio (MUFA+PUFA)/SFA Ordered FFQ, FFQ + food record Both Dichotomous [0; 9] Equally by indicators
mMDS-2014, Yang et al. (2014)64 × Non-Mediterranean region (USA) × × Not ordered Lifestyle questionnaire with 15 questions on diet FG Ordinal [0; 42] Equally by indicatorsf (+ wine scores)
aMED-2005, Fung et al. (2005)65 × (USA) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Not ordered 140-item FFQ Both Dichotomous [0; 9] Equally by indicators
MDP-2002, Sanchez-Villegas et al. (2002)66 × Mediterranean region (Spain) × × Ratio MUFA/SFA Ordered FFQ Both Metric [0%; 100%] Equally by indicators
MeDiet-2008, Sánchez-Taínta et al. (2008)67 × Mediterranean region (Spain) × × Not ordered 14-item MeDiet questionnaire FG Dichotomous [0; 14] Equally by indicators
MS-2003, Goulet et al. (2003)68 × World-wide (French Canada) × × Ordered 91-item FFQ FG Ordinal [0; 44] Equally by indicators
MSDPS-2009, Rumawas et al. (2009)69 × Non-Mediterranean region (USA) × × Not ordered 126-item FFQ + further items possible FG Metricg [0; 100] Equally by indicators
RCI-2008, Mazzocchi et al. (2008)70 × (World-wide) × × FA, PR, and CH range Ordered Food Balance Sheets (FAO) Both Metric [0; 1] Alternative sets of weights
rMED-2009, Buckland et al. (2009)71 × Mediterranean region (Spain) × × Ordered DHQ FG Ordinala [0; 18] Equally by indicators
rMED-2010, Buckland et al. (2010)72 × Mainly non-Mediterranean countries (Europe) × × Ordered DHQ, FFQ, or FFQ + food record FG Ordinala [0; 18] Equally by indicators
arMED-2013, Buckland et al. (2013)73 × Mainly non-Mediterranean countries (Europe) × × Ordered DHQ, FFQ, or FFQ + food record FG Ordinal [0; 16] Equally by indicators

The sign × indicates a fit with the respective construction criterion. Gray shading indicates preferable features of dietary quality indices. For balance only ranges of fat, protein, or carbohydrates as well as ranges of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered. Recommendations include also recommendations by dietary guidelines or food pyramids.

Abbreviations: AHEI, Alternate Healthy Eating Index; aMED, Alternate Mediterranean Diet Score; BSDS, Baltic Sea Diet Score; C-HEI, Canadian Health Eating Index; CH, carbohydrates; CH-DQI, Chinese Diet Quality Index; D-HDI, Danish Healthy Diet Index; D-DQI, Danish Diet Quality Index; DBS, Dietary Behavior Score; DGAI, Dietary Guidelines for Americans Adherence Index; DHM, diet history method; DHQ, diet history questionnaire; DQI, Diet Quality Index; DQI-a, Diet Quality Index adjusted for energy requirement; DQI-I, Diet Quality Index-International; DQI-R, Diet Quality Index-Revised; DQI-SNR, Diet Quality Index-Swedish Nutrition Recommendation; DQINB, Dietary Quality Index Nutrition Based; DQS, Diet Quality Score; FA, fat; FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; FG, food groups; FFQ, food frequency questionnaire; GFPI, German Food Pyramid Index; HDI, Healthy Diet Indicator; HDS, Healthy Diet Score; HEI, Healthy Eating Index; HEI-f, Health Eating Index-Frequency Questionnaire; HFI, Healthy Food Index; HFNI, Healthy Food and Nutrient Index; IMI, Italian Mediterranean Index; MAI, Mediterranean Adequacy Index; MDP, Mediterranean Dietary Pattern; MDS, Mediterranean Diet Score; Med-DQI, Mediterranean Diet Quality Index; MEDAS, Mediterranean Adherence Diet Screener; MeDiet, Mediterranean Food Pattern; mMDS, Modified Mediterranean Diet Score; MS, Mediterranean Score; MSDPS, Mediterranean-Style Dietary Pattern Score; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acids; PR, proteins; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; RCI, Recommendation Compliance Index; rMED, Relative Mediterranean Diet; SFA, saturated fatty acids.


This is valid except for alcohol.


Higher scores indicate less healthy diets.


Thereby, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol intakes are not part of a predefined moderation subindex.


This is valid except for multivitamin use.


This is valid except for half weights on low-fat dairy and low-fat meat indicators.


This is valid except for combined fruit and vegetable group with a doubled score.


This is valid except for olive oil.