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. 2018 Sep 11;8:87. doi: 10.1186/s13613-018-0433-3

Table 2.

Biological, radiological and cytological findings in patients with acute respiratory failure revealing anti-synthetase syndrome or dermato-pulmonary syndrome associated with anti-MDA-5 antibodies

Missing data All patients
N = 47
N = 19
N = 28
Biological data at ICU admission, median [IQR]
 Leukocytes count (103/mm3) 1 11.5 [8.5–17] 8.4 [6.7–9.8] 16.0 [12.1–21.1] < 0.001
 C-reactive protein (mg/L) 9 139 [40–208] 38 [22–99] 187 [128–262] 0.30
 Procalcitonine (ng/mL) 9 0.30 [0.12–0.56] 0.32 [0.11–0.48] 0.30 [0.13–1.42] < 0.001
 Creatininemia (µmol/L) 14 63 [51–78] 59 [51–73] 64 [51–80] 0.04
 Creatine kinase (UI/L) 3 157 [69–256] 127 [75–186] 192 [69–932] 0.76
 Creatine kinase ≥ 2N 3 9 (20) 1 (6) 8 (31) 0.02
 PaCO2 (mmHg) 1 34 [31–41] 34 [32–42] 33 [31–41] 0.06
 PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) 3 123 [83–147] 139 [91–174] 117 [78–144] 0.82
Chest X-ray, n (%)
 Bilateral opacities 0 45 (96) 19 (100) 26 (93) 0.51
 Lower lobe location 0 46 (98) 19 (100) 27 (96) 1.00
 Number of quadrants on chest X-ray, n
  1 0 1 (3) 0 (0) 1 (4) 0.30
  2 27 (68) 10 (59) 17 (74)
  4 12 (30) 7 (41) 5 (22)
Chest CT scan, n (%)
 Performed 0 47 (100) 19 (100) 28 (100) 1.00
 Ground-glass attenuation 0 37 (78) 18 (96) 19 (68) 0.03
 Alveolar consolidations 0 35 (75) 13 (68) 22 (79) 0.51
 Septal thickening 0 12 (26) 8 (42) 4 (14) 0.05
 Pleural effusion 0 13 (28) 3 (16) 10 (36) 0.24
 Pneumothorax 0 4 (9) 3 (16) 1 (3.6) 0.29
 Pneumomediastinum 0 1 (2) 1 (5) 0 (0) 0.40
 Mediastinal lymphadenopathy 0 18 (38) 7 (37) 11 (39) 1.00
 Signs of lung fibrosis 0 17 (36) 6 (32) 11 (39) 0.82
  Traction bronchiectasis 0 17 (36) 6 (32) 11 (39) 0.82
  Reticulations 0 12 (26) 4 (21) 8 (29) 0.78
  Honeycombing 0 5 (10) 1 (5) 4 (14) 0.64
Broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL), n (%) or median [IQR]
 Performed 0 42 (89) 16 (84) 26 (93) 0.38
 Delay ICU admission—BAL 0 1 [0–3] 0 [− 1.5–1.0] 2 [1–4] 0.08
 Total cell count (103/mL) 8 250 [140–330] 250 [128–390] 250 [160–290] 0.42
  Lymphocytes (%) 1 11 [4–30] 22 [8–34] 5 [3–17] 0.06
  Neutrophils (%) 2 38 [13–65] 15 [6–36] 51 [20–80] 0.001
  Macrophages (%) 2 40 [20–60] 53 [39–73] 29 [15–83] 0.009
  Eosinophils (%) 6 0 [0–2] 0 [0–1] 0 [0–2] 0.154
 Presence of siderophages 5 2 (4) 1 (6) 1 (4) 1.00
Lung biopsy, n (%) 0 4 (9) 1 (5) 3 (11)
 Diffuse alveolar damage 1 0 1
 Usual interstitial pneumonitis 1 0 1
 Organizing pneumonia 2 1 1
Skin biopsy, n (%) 0 6 (13) 5 (26) 1 (4)
 Normal 1 0 1
 Lichenoïd dermatitis 3 3 0
 Dermatomyositis 2 2 0
Muscle biopsy, n (%) 0 7 (15) 4 (21) 3 (11)
 Inflammatory myositis 7 4 3

aMDA-5 anti-MDA-5 antibodies, AS anti-synthetase, ARF acute respiratory failure, BAL broncho-alveolar lavage, ICU intensive care unit, IQR inter-quartile range