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. 2018 Aug 8;10(1):1779. doi: 10.4102/phcfm.v10i1.1779


Outcome profile of patients admitted with cryptococcal meningitis (N = 80).

CD4 count (cells/mm3) Profile of patients who died (n = 24)
Profile of patients who were discharged (n = 56)
Number % Mean CD4 count Number % Mean CD4 count
≤ 100 18 31.6 31.72 ± 26.437 39 68.4 37.0 ± 27.4
>100 2 20 118 ± 8.4 8 80 155.1 ± 74.2
Unknown 4 30.8 - 9 69.2 -
Total 24 30 40.35 ± 36.5 56 70 54.0 ± 60.1