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. 2018 Sep 10;15:87. doi: 10.1186/s12966-018-0722-0

Table 2.

Leisure-time Physical Activity and Affect: Structural Equation Model Testing Autonomous and Controlled Motivation as Moderators

Unadjusted model Adjusted model
β SE p R 2 β SE p R 2
Self-report model
Positive Affect
  Leisure-time PA −.02 .07 .76 −.09 .09 .30
  Autonomous motivation towards leisure-time PA .51 .05 <.001 .55 .07 <.001
  Controlled motivation towards leisure-time PA −.07 .04 .06 −.07 .03 .03
  Leisure-time PA × Autonomous Motivation .05 .06 .45 .09 .07 .20
  Leisure-time PA × Controlled Motivation .09 .03 .01 .03 .02 .07
  Age .02 .01 .07
  Sex .02 .01 .07
  SES .02 .01 .07
  BMI .04 .02 .07
.25*** .26***
Negative Affect
  Leisure-time PA −.14 .06 .02 −.10 .05 .07
  Autonomous motivation towards leisure-time PA −.12 .05 .019 −.11 .05 .03
  Controlled motivation towards leisure-time PA .38 .05 <.001 .35 .06 <.001
  Leisure-time PA × Autonomous Motivation .04 .04 .24 .03 .04 .41
  Leisure-time PA × Controlled Motivation −.14 .06 .01 −.03 .01 .02
  Age −.03 .01 .02
  Sex −.02 .01 .02
  SES −.03 .01 .02
  BMI −.05 .02 .02
.19*** .15***
Objective model
Positive Affect
  Leisure-time PA .02 .03 .43 −.02 .04 .71
  Autonomous motivation towards leisure-time PA .53 .04 <.001 .52 .03 <.001
  Controlled motivation towards leisure-time PA −.06 .08 .47 −.07 .04 .12
  Leisure-time PA × Autonomous Motivation −.02 .03 .62 −.01 .01 .29
  Leisure-time PA × Controlled Motivation .02 .07 .83 .00 .00 .10
  Age .03 .02 .10
  Sex .03 .02 .10
  SES .04 .03 .10
  BMI .06 .04 .10
.30*** .26***
Negative Affect
  Leisure-time PA −.07 .03 .03 −.04 .03 .13
  Autonomous motivation towards leisure-time PA −.14 .04 <.001 −.12 .05 .01
  Controlled motivation towards leisure-time PA .30 .09 <.01 .36 .06 <.001
  Leisure-time PA × Autonomous Motivation −.02 .03 .64 −.01 .02 .57
  Leisure-time PA × Controlled Motivation .06 .06 .36 −.00 .00 <.001
  Age −.05 .01 <.001
  Sex −.04 .01 <.001
  SES −.05 .02 <.001
  BMI −.10 .03 <.001
.14*** .15***

BMI Body Mass Index, PA physical activity, SES socioeconomic status. Adjusted model includes age, sex, socioeconomic status, and body mass index as covariates

*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001