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. 2017 Dec 1;1(3):234–241. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2017.10.002


Comparison of TDABC and Typical RVU Costing Systems

Process TDABC Typical RVU systems
Direct costs Bottom-up, based on actual processes and resources used to treat patients Top-down allocations based on derived (RVU) metrics
Scope Includes hospital physician costs in an integrated calculation Hospital costs only
Type of costing system Standard costs based on estimates of resource's capacity cost rates Actual costs; general ledger expenses allocated to procedures; easy reconciliation
Clinical input Performed by teams of clinicians, administrators, and finance staff; highly actionable Led and updated by finance; clinicians do not understand how costs are assigned
Care cycle Assigns costs to all processes used during a patient's complete cycle of care Costs assigned only to reimbursable processes; all other costs in allocated “overhead”
Pricing Supports transparent and defensible pricing Pricing unrelated to actual costs
Process improvement Links naturally to lean and performance improvement initiatives No connection to lean and process improvements
Benchmarking Compares efficiency and resource costs across different units by clinical condition Not used for benchmark (no visibility into underlying processes and personnel)
Unused capacity Measures cost of unused capacity All costs allocated to billable volume; no visibility into used vs unused capacity
Updating Requires clinical teams to keep up-to-date maps of their processes Requires finance to update RVU complexity metrics

RVU = relative value unit; TDABC = time-derived activity-based costing.