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. 2018 Sep 6;10:271–286. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S141132

Table 2.

Strategies and exercises for young and adult patients with OSA recommended in the reviewed studies

Frequency (times a day)/dose
Nasal lavage with an application of saline in each nostril Three times/10 mL38,39
Soft palate
 Pronounce an oral vowel intermittently (isotonic exercise)/elevate the soft palate and uvula while intermittently saying the vowel “A” Three times/3 min29,38,52
Five times/10 repetitions53
Three times/20 repetitions39,54
 Pronounce an oral vowel continuously (isometric exercise) Three times/3 min29,38
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Elevate the soft palate and uvula without vocalization, after gaining control and coordination of movement (~after 3–5 weeks) Three times/5 s39,54
 Elevate the soft palate with and without a yawn Three to five times per day50
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Produce lingua-velar sounds by contacting the dorsum of the tongue and the velum several times each Three to five times per day50
 Produce uvular sounds by contraction of the uvula several times each Three to five times per day50
 Brush the superior surfaces of the tongue while it is positioned in the floor of the mouth. Also, brush the lateral surfaces of the tongue Three times/5 repetitions29,38
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Place the tip of the tongue against the front of the palate and slide the tongue backward A total of 3 min throughout the day
Three times/20 repetitions29,39,54
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Place the tongue tip as far as possible on the palate Three to five times per day50
 Press the entire tongue upward against the palate A total of 3 min throughout the day38
Three to five times per day50
Three times/20 repetitions29,39,54
Five times/10 repetitions50
 Press the tongue against the palate and apply a counterresistance on both cheeks using the hands Three to five times per day50
 Place the tongue tip in contact with the inferior incisive teeth and force its posterior region of the tongue downward A total of 3 min throughout the day38
Three times/20 repetitions29,39,54
 Protrude the tongue tip forward just in front of the lips, without touching the teeth or lips,50 and without deviation. Hold, relax, and repeat53 Three to five times per day/30 s50
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Repeatedly stick the tongue in and out as fast as possible Five times/10 repetitions53
 Spread center of the tongue, so the sides of the tongue touch the bottom of the upper teeth Three to five times per day/30 s50
 Protrude the tongue outside the mouth and move the tip (lift and down) Three to five times per day50
 Move the tongue to the right/left corner of the mouth and keep it pointed Three to five times per day50
 Flick the tongue from corner-to-corner as quickly as possible. Move the tongue all around the lips in a circle quickly Five times/10 repetitions53
 Stick out the tongue to reach the chin with the tip. Hold at the farthest extension Five times/10 repetitions53
 Stick out the tongue. Hold a spoon upright against the tip of your extended tongue and try to push it away while your hand holds the spoon in place Five times/10 repetitions53
 Rotate the tongue in the oral vestibule Three times/10 repetitions starting in the right side and 10 left side29
 Pressure the lips (orbicularis oris muscle) with the mouth closed (isometric exercise) Three times/30 s38
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Open and close the jaw slowly and widely, keeping the lips in contact (orbicularis oris muscle) Five times/10 repetitions53
 Pucker the lips (as if about to kiss). Hold for a count of 10 and relax Five times/10 repetitions53
 Spread the lips into a big, exaggerated smile. Hold and relax Five times/10 repetitions53
 Pucker lips–hold–smile–hold Five times/10 repetitions53
 Pucker the lips with the mouth wide open, without closing the jaws. Hold and relax Five times/10 repetitions53
 Close the lips firmly, and then make a “slurping” noise, as if sipping a drink Five times/10 repetitions53
 Perform suction movements contracting only the buccinators. These exercises are performed with repetitions (isotonic) and holding position (isometric) Unclear38
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Suck air from a syringe of 20 mL Three times a day/5 repetitions29
 Recruitment of the buccinator muscle against the finger that is introduced into the oral cavity Unclear38
Three times a day/10 repetitions each side29,39,54
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Alternated elevation of the mouth angle muscle (isometric exercise), with repetitions (isotonic exercise) Three times a day/10 intermittent elevations three times38
 Lateral jaw movements with alternating elevation of the mouth angle muscle Unclear38
Five times/10 repetitions53
 Open and close mouth as quickly as you can, making sure your lips close each time Five times/10 repetitions53
 Say the syllable “Ma” quickly and repeatedly. Do the same with “La” and “Kala” Five times/10 repetitions53
 Sing “A–E–I–O–U” as loud as possible Five times/10 repetitions53
Stomatognathic functions
  Suck the yogurt with a narrow straw Unclear38
 Breathing and speech
  Forced nasal inspiration and oral expiration in conjunction with phonation of open vowels, while sitting Unclear29,38
Five times/10 repetitions53
  Balloon inflation with prolonged nasal inspiration and then forced blowing Repeated five times without taking the balloon out of the mouth29,38,53
 Swallowing and chewing
  Alternate bilateral chewing The patients were instructed to incorporate this pattern whenever they were eating29,38,39,53,54
  Deglutition: swallow with the tongue positioned on the palate, occluded teeth, and without perioral muscle contraction The patients were instructed to incorporate this pattern whenever they were eating29,38,39,53,54
  Holding the tongue tip between teeth anteriorly while trying to swallow Three to five times per day50

Abbreviation: OSA, obstructive sleep apnea.