Fig. 5.
CoP parameters measured pre- and post-stimulation in stroke patients. Centre of pressure (CoP) parameters measured during the pre-stimulation (pre) and post-stimulation (post) in the eyes open (eo), eyes closed (ec), and a subject-specific tandem stance (tandem) position. The mean amplitude of the CoP (ACoP) and its amplitude’s variability (varCoP), and the velocity of the CoP (VCoP) and the velocity’s variability (varVCoP) and the composite-score (Comp-score) are displayed. *Indicates a significant difference (probability value < 0.05) in the generalized estimating equation model with a correction for baseline and randomization order between contra-lesional cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (cb_tDCS) and sham. Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean. Note that the y-axis between conditions differs for visual inspection purposes