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. 2018 Jun 9;85(9):773–781. doi: 10.1007/s12098-018-2705-1

Box 1.

Classification of asthma phenotypes in children [4]

Symptom based
 • Age at onset
 • Natural history
 • Severity
Trigger based
 • Allergic vs. non-allergic
 • Exercise induced
 • Viral triggered vs. multi triggered.
Response to treatment
 • Corticosteroid responsive
Inflammatory features (based on biopsy, induced sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage)
 • Eosinophilic
 • Neutrophilic
Non-invasive markers
 • Exhaled nitric oxide
 • Exhaled breath condensate
Pulmonary function tests
 • Fixed vs. bronchodilator-reversible airway obstruction
 • Bronchial responsiveness to exercise, cold air, chemical challenge.